History & Development of the Ragdoll Breed

Sponsors & Contributors


Would you like to help further the work of the Ragdoll Historical Society by becoming a sponsor?  Donations will be used to cover the cost of the RHS website (design, domain names, hosting, etc.) as well as miscellaneous expenses such as postage to snail-mail documents, photos and files.

Donations may be made either by check or through the PayPal link below.  Any donation amount is appreciated and the sponsorship levels below will be permanently listed on the RHS site.  They are named in honor of the first cats ever registered as Ragdolls.

Daddy Warbucks ($200 and up)
Denny Dayton
Ragdoll Breed Club
IG-Ragdoll, Germany
Jan & Karen Henson, Wimpole Street Ragdolls
JaNeil Cillessen, Dollhouse Ragdolls
Traditionalist Ragdoll Cat Society, UK
Jane Webster, New Zealand
Ragdoll Fanciers Club International
Malcome Beal
Verein der Original Ragdoll (Original Ragdoll Association)
Kellie Rowe, Australia
Ragdolls of America
Fasara Ragdolls, Australia
Christine Lupo, NY Divine Dolls

Fugianna ($150)

Kyoto ($100)

Stephanie Ingram, Pinkerton Ragdolls

Tiki ($50)
Gabi Zucher, The Royal Rags Switzerland

Checks made payable to Ragdoll Historical Society can be mailed to:

Ragdoll Historical Society


The saying “It takes a village…” certainly applies to the RHS goal of documenting and recording the history of the Ragdoll cat.  This project will take years and the help of many, many people to compile.  Would you like to contribute your talents?  Please check out the Get Involved page and find out how you can join this ever-growing list of contributors.

Wain Pearce
Denny Dayton
Jill Hopper
Ken Staples
Brigitte Jean-Duguay
Lisa Barsalona
Sue Shorey
Dana Pendergraph
Lynne Chmelar
Janet Barry
Jane Webster, New Zealand
Suzanne Philbrick
Sharon Steadman
Ana Viggiani, Brazil
Kellie Rowe, Australia
Mark Vollmer